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Gezeravcı’s Groundbreaking Work: A First for the Country

First Lady Emine Erdoğan Meets Astronaut Alper Gezeravcı and Family

First Lady Emine Erdoğan took to her social media account to express her delight in meeting astronaut Alper Gezeravcı and his family, who recently completed their successful mission as part of Turkey’s First Manned Space Mission and returned home.

In her post, First Lady Erdoğan stated, “I believe that the work carried out with great devotion on the International Space Station will lead to many firsts for our country,” showcasing her excitement and support for the advancements being made in Turkey’s space program.

She wholeheartedly congratulated everyone who contributed to the mission’s success, emphasizing the significance of this achievement for the country.

The meeting between First Lady Erdoğan and astronaut Alper Gezeravcı and his family highlights the importance and pride that Turkey takes in its space exploration efforts, as well as the recognition of the hard work and dedication of those involved.



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