
How to write “many”: combined or separate? The TDK spelling variations

Many TDK spellings are currently being researched by numerous individuals who are eager to find out the correct way to spell certain words. One particular word that often leads to confusion is “many.” People often inquire about whether it should be written as a compound word or separately. Here, we will explore the correct spelling of “many” with accompanying examples.

According to the Turkish Language Association dictionary, “many” is defined as “quite a lot, an indefinite number, and a lot.” The correct spelling of this word is “many,” and it should be written as a compound word rather than used separately.

The Turkish Language Association provides several examples of “many” being used correctly:

1. What is beautiful for one person is likely to be beautiful for many more people.
2. I have told you many times.
3. The harms of smoking are known by many people.

In conclusion, it is incorrect to spell “many” as a separate word; it must be used as a compound word in order to be written correctly.

Note: Some parts of the original text were omitted as they were not relevant to the article.



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