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Incredible Story: Woman, 63, Pregnant with Husband 37 Years Younger

A 63-year-old American woman, mother of 7 children and 17 grandchildren, has shocked the world by announcing her pregnancy with her husband who is 37 years younger. Despite the criticism she has received, Cheryl McCain is excited to become a mother again.

Cheryl met her husband at a gas station and claims that he made her feel special. She shared that they had experienced many firsts together, including their intimate relationship. The couple got married last September and the British press has covered their story in detail.

However, Cheryl revealed that her family has ostracized her due to her marriage, and she is not in contact with six of her seven children. Despite this, she is looking forward to raising her new child and is determined to have a happy marriage with her husband.

The news of Cheryl’s pregnancy at her age has sparked controversy and discussion, with many questioning her ability to raise a child at this stage in her life. Despite the criticism, Cheryl remains optimistic and focused on the joy of becoming a mother once again.



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