
Introduction of Kemal Behçet Caymaz’s Second Book “Yegane Aşk” at BRTK

The Safir series, which is the first fantasy novel in Turkish Cypriot Literature, has recently introduced its second book, “Yegane Aşk”. The book, written and illustrated by Kemal Behçet Caymaz, a young fantasy literature writer from Turkish Cyprus, was launched at a presentation night and exhibition held at Bellapais Monastery.

During the event, the English edition of “Yegane Aşk” was also unveiled for the first time. The book was translated by Esat Ulusol and its cover was designed by Raif Kızıl.

The presentation night had a “Royal Wedding” theme and featured a recreation of the magnificent wedding scene of Prince Safir from the Kingdom of Safir and Princess Lal from the Kingdom of Anisopetra. The event also included models of the book’s characters, which were drawn by Azerbaijani artist Hanım Tahgiyeva.

Kemal Behçet Caymaz, the author and creator of the Safir series, was present at the event and signed copies of his books. The event was sponsored by various organizations and institutions, including the Department of Culture, Bayrak Radio and Television Corporation, American University of Cyprus, Kyrenia Municipality, City Mall, and Telsim Vodafone Group Company.

As part of the event, the Cyprus Paper Artists Association opened an exhibition titled “The Only Love” in the Cellar section of Bellapais Monastery. President Ersin Tatar and his wife Sibel Tatar attended the event and congratulated Kemal Behçet Caymaz for his work. President Tatar highlighted the importance of the book in promoting Turkish Cypriot Literature and Cypriot Culture.

Following the speeches, the exhibition featuring artworks inspired by the novel “The Only Love” was officially opened. The exhibition, located in the Crypt section of Bellapais Monastery, will be open for visitation until November 10.

President Tatar concluded the event by expressing his hopes for the recognition and appreciation of the Turkish Cypriot People’s historical culture and literature on an international level in the future. He emphasized that culture, art, and literature are the foundation of the Turkish Cypriots’ existence on the island.

Overall, the introduction of the second book in the Safir series and the accompanying exhibition was a significant milestone for Turkish Cypriot Literature and showcased the rich cultural heritage of Cyprus.



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