
‘Muhtar’ Election Showdown at Wedding: Guests Collapse

A wedding in Kayapınar district turned into chaos as a fight broke out between two relative headman candidates and their family members. The incident took place in a wedding hall in Talaytepe District, where the two candidates and their families were attending a relative’s wedding. According to reports, the family members, who had animosity towards each other due to the headman candidacy, got into a heated argument during the jewelry ceremony. The verbal confrontation escalated into a physical fight, with some guests getting involved and punches and kicks being thrown. The situation got so out of hand that some guests ended up fainting during the brawl.

The employees of the wedding hall and the police were forced to intervene to break up the fight and bring the situation under control. As a result, the guests decided to leave the hall, bringing an abrupt end to the wedding celebrations. The groom and bride also left the hall under the protection of security measures after the jewelry ceremony.

Meanwhile, paramedics arrived at the scene to attend to the guests who had fainted during the altercation. The police continued to monitor the situation outside the wedding hall to ensure that there were no further disturbances.

This unfortunate turn of events serves as a reminder of how quickly a joyous occasion can turn into a nightmare. It also highlights the importance of maintaining peace and civility, especially during important events such as weddings. Hopefully, all parties involved can find a way to peacefully resolve their differences and move forward in a more harmonious manner.


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