
Plane Returns to Origin After Passenger Bites Crew Member

A 55-year-old passenger on an ANA flight from Tokyo to Seattle caused quite a commotion when he allegedly bit the arm of a cabin attendant. According to the official Kyodo agency, the incident took place on ANA flight 118 and the crew intervened to detain the unruly passenger after the plane returned to Haneda Airport in Tokyo.

The passenger is now facing charges for “harming the cabin attendant” and it is reported that he claimed to have no memory of the incident during police interrogation. The individual, who is believed to be a US citizen, stated that he had taken sleeping pills during the flight, which may have contributed to his behavior.

Passengers and crew on the flight were undoubtedly shocked by this unexpected turn of events. The safety and security of airline staff and passengers is of the utmost importance, and incidents like this serve as a reminder of the challenges and risks faced in the aviation industry.

The airline, ANA, has not yet issued a public statement regarding the incident, but it is likely that they will review their security and passenger screening protocols to prevent similar incidents in the future. Overall, this serves as a cautionary tale about the potential consequences of unruly behavior on an airplane.



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