
President Erdoğan Attends Premiere of ‘Aybüke: I Became a Teacher’ Movie

President Erdoğan Attends the Premiere of the Film “Aybüke: I Became a Teacher”

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and First Lady Emine Erdoğan attended the premiere of the movie “Aybüke: I Became a Teacher” at the Presidential Congress and Culture Center. The film portrays the life of martyr teacher Şenay Aybüke Yalçın, who was killed during a terrorist attack.

At the gala, a gift was given to President Erdoğan: the baglama used by Martyr Şenay Aybüke Yalçın. After the movie screening, President Erdoğan and his wife Emine Erdoğan chatted with the martyr teacher’s father, Sadık Yalçın, and his mother, Zehra Yalçın. Then, President Erdoğan kissed the baglama used by martyr teacher Aybüke Yalçın and embraced the families of the martyrs, experiencing emotional moments.

The film about the life of the martyr teacher is set to be released on November 24, Teachers’ Day. President Erdoğan’s wife Emine Erdoğan expressed in a tweet that they watched the movie with heavy hearts in commemoration of all the martyred teachers who worked for their students and their country with dedication.


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