
Rare ‘Spider Twins’ Disease Shocks the World – Last Minute World News

The American Journal of Case Reports has recently shared a groundbreaking case of conjoined twins born in Indonesia in 2018. The rare condition of these twins, with three legs, four arms, and a shared bladder, rectum, and intestine, has captured the attention of the media worldwide.

The twins, identified as Ischiopagus Tripus conjoined twins, are exceptionally rare. Despite the odds stacked against them, these young boys managed to survive pregnancy and birth. However, their condition meant that they had to lie flat for the first three years of their lives, unable to sit up.

A team of skilled doctors undertook a complex surgery to provide the twins with a chance at a more normal life. They successfully amputated the third leg and performed intricate procedures to stabilize the hip and pelvis bones of the twins.

Fortunately, the twins showed no complications following the surgery and continued to thrive in the following months. The operation was a success, allowing the brothers to stand and sit upright for the first time in their lives.

This case is not the first of its kind, with similar instances recorded in 1994 and 1989, where surgery lasting around 10 hours was required. Another attempt in 2011 unfortunately ended tragically, with the twins passing away before they could be separated.

The resilience of these Indonesian conjoined twins and the groundbreaking surgery performed on them offer hope and inspiration in the face of rare medical conditions. Their story serves as a testament to the dedication and expertise of the medical professionals involved in their care.


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