
Restrictions on Mobile Phone Use in Hungarian Schools

New Bill Proposed in Hungary to Regulate Mobile Phone Use in Schools

An increasing number of domestic and international research studies show that unlimited mobile phone use in schools has a negative impact on students’ attention and performance, according to Bence Rétvári, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Ministry of the Interior. In response to these findings, a new bill is being proposed before the Hungarian parliament to create the legal basis for regulating the use of mobile phones in schools.

Rétvári noted that the Ministry of Interior conducted a digital consultation prior to the proposal, where the majority of teachers and headteachers surveyed expressed the need to regulate mobile phone use in schools due to its distracting effect on students. Teachers find it challenging to keep students’ attention during lessons when they are on their mobile phones, he emphasized.

The proposed regulation would still allow students to use their mobile phones before or after school and to keep in touch with their parents if necessary. Additionally, students would be able to bring their devices to class with the teacher’s permission for educational purposes.

Citing Hungarian scientific research as well as studies from UNESCO and the UN, Rétvári highlighted that excessive use of mobile phones has been shown to reduce educational performance. Several other European countries, including France, the Netherlands, Italy, Slovakia, and the UK, have already implemented bans on mobile phones in schools.

Rétvári emphasized that reducing mobile phone use in schools can also help tackle issues such as cyber-bullying. He believes that smart devices like mobiles, laptops, and tablets should be used in schools to aid learning rather than detract from it.

In conclusion, the proposed regulation aims to create a conducive learning environment for students by minimizing distractions and promoting a more focused approach to education. Stay tuned for updates on the progress of the bill through the Hungarian parliament.

Via MTI, Featured image: Pixabay



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