
Russia Streamlines Registration Process for Foreigners Orient

Russia Introduces Electronic Notification System for Foreign Nationals’ Place of Stay

In a bid to streamline the process for foreign nationals to register their place of stay, Russia has implemented a new electronic notification system. This system allows foreign nationals to independently submit notifications through the Gosuslugi portal, eliminating the need for them to visit territorial Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) offices in person.

Initiated by the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the MIA, this innovation simplifies the registration process. Once the notification is submitted, the property owner can easily approve it in their personal account on the portal, confirming the foreign national’s residence at their property. The notification is then automatically transmitted to the MIA’s information systems, allowing users to track the status of their application.

MIA personnel will verify the accuracy of the provided data and make a decision regarding the foreign national’s registration. This new measure aims to expedite the migration registration process and reduce information processing time for police officers, ultimately enhancing the efficiency of migration services in Russia.

This move signifies a step towards modernizing migration procedures and making them more user-friendly for foreign nationals residing in the country.


Photo: explain.rf



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