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Russian Su-34 Fighter Jet Crash Claims Pilot Lives

A Russian Su-34 Fighter Jet Crashes During Training Flight, Killing Pilots

A tragic incident occurred during a planned training flight in the mountainous region of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. The Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed that a Su-34 fighter jet belonging to the Russian Air and Space Forces crashed in a deserted area, resulting in the death of both pilots on board.

According to the Ministry’s statement, initial investigations indicate that the crash was due to a technical malfunction. A delegation from the Ministry of Defense has been dispatched to the crash site to further investigate the incident.

The Su-34 fighter jet is a Russian-made twin-pilot supersonic aircraft primarily designed for high-precision air strikes, including the use of nuclear weapons. It is capable of engaging both land and air targets, operating day and night and in various weather conditions.

This unfortunate event serves as a reminder of the risks that military personnel face during training exercises and operations. Our thoughts are with the families and loved ones of the pilots who lost their lives in this tragic accident.



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