
The Winners of SİYAD Honor and Labor Awards Announced

The winners of the “Honor” and “Labour” awards of the SİYAD (Cinema Writers Association) Awards have been announced. The director ceremony is set to take place on March 4th this year, according to a statement made by SİYAD.

Actress and singer Tulip Belkis, along with director Tomris Giritlioğlu, will be honored with the “Honor Award”, while actor Necmettin Çobanoğlu will receive the “Labour Award”.

Tomris Giritlioğlu is known for her masterful storytelling that focuses on Turkey’s recent history, illustrating how social and political events impact people’s lives through cinema.

Lale Belkis, a significant contributor to Turkish cinema through her singing and acting, has even lent her voice to iconic figures such as Sophia Loren, Ava Gardner, and Cahide Sonku.

Necmettin Çobanoğlu, who has acted in award-winning films such as “Katırcılar”, “Mülteci”, “Little Freedom”, “Lamb”, “Encounter”, “Homecoming”, “Hidden Dreams” and “Güz Pain”, is being recognized for his outstanding contribution to the industry.

The SİYAD Awards aim to honor individuals who have made significant and lasting contributions to Turkish cinema, and this year’s recipients, Tomris Giritlioğlu, Tulip Belkis, and Necmettin Çobanoğlu, are no exception. Their impact on Turkish cinema has been profound, and their recognition is well-deserved.


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