
Uzbekistan Boosts Kazakh Grain Imports by 40%

Uzbekistan Increases Grain Imports from Kazakhstan by 40%

According to the Bureau of National Statistics, Uzbekistan has increased its grain imports from Kazakhstan by 40% over the 10 months of 2023. This increase in imports has resulted in Kazakhstan exporting almost 2 million tons of grain to Uzbekistan, which accounts for more than half of Kazakhstan’s total grain exports.

In the first 10 months of the year, Kazakhstan saw a 24% increase in grain exports compared to the same period last year, amounting to a total of 3.88 million tons. In terms of value, the exports grew by 7%, surpassing $1 billion.

The majority of Kazakhstan’s grain exports went to Uzbekistan, with 1.96 million tons being imported by the country. Following Uzbekistan, Tajikistan imported 404 thousand tons, and Afghanistan, China, Turkmenistan, and Italy imported 322, 249, 230, and 226 thousand tons of grain, respectively.

Uzbekistan’s import of wheat from Kazakhstan also reached a record level in five years, with deliveries amounting to 3.88 million tons in the first eight months of the year.

Overall, Uzbekistan imported food worth $3.15 billion over 11 months, with the volume of grain and grain product imports exceeding $1 billion, marking a 7.8% increase compared to the previous year, as reported by the State Statistics Committee.

The increase in grain imports from Kazakhstan highlights the growing trade relationship between the two Central Asian countries and the importance of Kazakhstan as a major supplier of grain to the region.



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