
Writing ‘New Year’ according to the Turkish Language Association (TDK)

How to write ‘new year’ according to TDK? Is TDK New Year written combined or separate?

The Turkish Language Association explains words with confusing spellings, providing examples and indicating their meanings. According to TDK, the word New Year is defined as “the first day of January”. In other words, it is the first day when a year ends and a new year begins, known as New Year’s Eve. But how exactly should this word be spelled correctly?

According to TDK, the correct spelling of the word New Year is compound, so writing it as “beginning of the year” would be a typo.

An example given by the Turkish Language Association regarding the word New Year is as follows: “I don’t know that we have a tradition of celebrating New Year’s Eve.” – Nazim hikmet

To give other examples:

“We are this on new year’s eve. “We will have fun together” (Correct usage)
“To my friend at the beginning of the year. “I asked how many days of holiday we would have.” (wrong use)

In conclusion, according to TDK, the correct spelling of the word New Year is compound, not separate. So when referring to the first day of January or celebrating New Year’s Eve, be sure to use it as a compound word.



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