
Collaborative Workshop on Creating a Unified Working Strategy

A workshop focused on developing a collaborative working approach was recently organized in partnership with the Social Services Department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and the SOS Children’s Village Association. The workshop aimed to enhance cooperation and coordination between the two institutions.

The event, which took place at the KTAMS Meeting Hall, was attended by 37 experts from both organizations. The first session featured presentations by Professor Dr. E. Biran Mertan on the working model, Yeşim Gürçınar on services for 0-24 age group, and Refika İnce on the work scope of the SOS Children’s Village Association.

During the opening ceremony, Social Services Department Director Alev Ecevit emphasized the importance of developing child protection policies and strengthening collaboration between the two entities. The workshop also included discussions on child protection systems, evaluation processes, and alternative care mechanisms.

As a result of the workshop, a “Child Protection and Intervention Approaches Recommendation Document” was developed, highlighting common views and expectations of both organizations. This document will be presented to relevant ministries such as the Ministries of Labor and Social Security, Health, and National Education for consideration.

Overall, the workshop served as a platform for sharing knowledge, insights, and best practices in the field of child protection, with the ultimate goal of enhancing the well-being of children and youth in the community.



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