
Commitment to Investigate, Arrest, and Address Allegations at KSTÜ

YÖDAK President Turgay Avcı Takes Action on Fake Diploma Allegations

Turgay Avcı, President of the Higher Education Planning, Supervision, Accreditation and Coordination Board (YÖDAK), has expressed determination to address the recent police investigation, arrests, and allegations surrounding Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University.

In a written statement, Avcı called for an extraordinary meeting to address the fake diploma allegations that have emerged in recent days. The statement emphasized YÖDAK’s sensitivity to the issue and announced that measures to be taken will be shared with the Presidency, the government, and the public during the extraordinary meeting.

The move comes in response to unfolding events and allegations at the university, signaling a commitment to addressing any irregularities and upholding standards of academic integrity. Avcı’s proactive approach underscores the importance of maintaining the credibility and quality of higher education institutions.

As the situation continues to develop, YÖDAK’s swift response reflects its commitment to ensuring transparency, accountability, and compliance with educational standards. The upcoming extraordinary meeting is expected to shed light on the board’s actions and decisions regarding the fake diploma allegations, providing clarity and reassurance to stakeholders and the public.



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