
Danube Flooding Leads to Massive Mosquito Infestation

The recent tidal surge on the Danube River in Hungary has created ideal conditions for the breeding of mosquitoes, leading to concerns about mosquito-borne diseases. In response to this threat, the National Directorate General for Disaster Management has implemented a strategy to combat the mosquito population using biological methods.

According to reports from the Hungarian Nation, the authorities plan to employ biological control measures on the ground in unprotected flood plains to target mosquito larvae breeding sites. Additionally, a biological preparation will be dispersed from the air over vegetated areas along the river to eliminate larvae population.

The biological control method involves the release of a natural bacterium-derived protein that specifically targets and kills mosquito larvae, while being harmless to other organisms. However, the application of this method in nature reserves requires special authorization and can only be used to a limited extent.

To supplement these efforts, adult mosquito spraying will be conducted in and around Sopron, Debrecen, and Miskolc this week to curb the adult mosquito population. This proactive approach is crucial as warm weather conditions accelerate the development of biting mosquito larvae, which can take up to a week to reach maturity. Residents are advised to regularly empty out standing water in outdoor objects to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes.

By implementing these biological control methods and conducting targeted spraying operations, authorities aim to reduce the mosquito population along the Danube and mitigate the risk of mosquito-borne diseases in affected areas.



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