
“Finding the Right Doctor and Department for Kidney Diseases”

Kidney Infections and Stones: Which Doctor to Consult?

Kidney infections and kidney stones are the main culprits behind the onset of kidney diseases. In case of symptoms like fever, vomiting, dizziness, and painful urination, seeking medical help from a doctor is imperative.

But which doctor to consult for kidney-related issues?

Generally, a nephrology or urology doctor deals with diseases related to the kidneys. Patients with bladder, prostate, and kidney stone problems typically visit a urology doctor, while those with kidney failure concerns go to a nephrology doctor. Appointments regarding kidney diseases can be made with private or public hospitals through the departments of nephrology and urology.

Urology and nephrology, a sub-branch of internal medicine, specialize in treating kidney patients. It should be noted that kidney disease is a slow-progressing ailment and visiting a doctor is essential for early diagnosis and prevention from advancing to severe levels. Kidney diseases result from the accumulation of toxins in the kidneys that cannot be disposed of from the body.

Now, what practices are useful for eliminating kidney pain?

Kidney problems occur mainly due to harmful and incorrect habits. To maintain healthy kidneys, quitting smoking and alcohol are necessary. Drinking plenty of water is essential to remove toxins from the body, while lemon water aids in cleansing the kidneys. Celery, which is a rich source of antioxidants, provides vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for maintaining healthy kidneys.

Finally, what are the diagnostic procedures used to detect kidney diseases?

Doctors perform critical tests, such as serum keratin, calculated glomerular filtration rate, and urine albumin, to detect kidney diseases. Individuals with a family history of kidney disease or excessive weight gain are usually tested for diagnosis. Early diagnosis through tests is crucial for preventing the onset of severe kidney conditions.

In summary, kidney diseases are potentially fatal conditions that require immediate medical attention. Regular checkups and adopting a healthy lifestyle are necessary to maintain proper kidney function.



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