
Hamas Alleges Israeli Snipers Targeting Civilians in Genocidal Act

Hamas Condemns Israeli Attack on Mother and Son in Gaza City

In a recent written statement, Hamas has expressed outrage over the direct targeting of a mother and her son in the Sheikh Ridvan District of Gaza City by Israeli snipers.

The statement described the incident as part of a larger pattern of civilian targeting, branding it as a form of genocide. It also called for the International Court of Justice to intervene and prosecute those responsible for the attack.

The organization accused Israel of flouting international law and requested the UN Security Council to take immediate action to prevent further atrocities.

Video footage of the attack has circulated on Palestinian local media and social networks, depicting the dramatic moment when the mother and her young child were fired upon by Israeli snipers. The images of the mother and her son lying on the ground have sparked widespread condemnation and calls for justice.

The video showed the mother lying motionless while her child was occasionally moving, as the snipers persisted in their attack. A brave bystander was captured on film, crawling on the ground to reach the injured child and rescue him from the ongoing gunfire.

The current condition of the mother and son remains uncertain, prompting further concern and outrage over the heinous act perpetrated by Israeli forces.

Hamas’ statement serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing conflict and the devastating impact it has on innocent civilians, particularly mothers and children. The call for accountability and justice becomes even more urgent in the face of such blatant disregard for human life.



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