
Winter Weather Warning: Frosts and Snowfall Forecasted in Kyrgyzstan

A cold snap is expected in Kyrgyzstan, according to the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Unstable weather is predicted across the country from May 24 to May 26, with occasional rain, thunderstorms, and even snow in high mountain areas. Heavy precipitation is also expected in some places during this time.

The air temperature is set to drop on May 26 during the day and on May 27 at night. Western winds may reach speeds of 4-9 meters per second, with potential strengthening up to 17-22 meters per second in certain areas.

On the night and morning of May 27, frosts are forecasted in agricultural regions such as Naryn and the east of Issyk-Kul, with temperatures dropping to -2 degrees Celsius.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations has emphasized that this volatile weather may impact transportation, communication services, energy and utilities, as well as grazing and livestock management on pastures. Additionally, frosts pose a risk to budding plants, flowers, fruit crops, fruit bushes, and berry crops.

It is advised for residents and farmers to take necessary precautions and prepare for the approaching cold snap to mitigate any potential negative impacts on their livelihoods. Stay safe and stay warm during this period of fluctuating weather conditions.



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