
Air Force Joins NATO Exercise with Gripen Fighter Jets in Czech Republic

Hungarian Air Force Pilots Participate in Multinational NATO Exercise

To maintain and enhance operational capabilities, the Hungarian Air Force recently took part in a large group exercise integrated into a NATO unit. These international training opportunities are crucial for maintaining high standards and continuously training pilots, as reported by

The Lion Effort exercise focused on composite air operations (COMAO) tasks, with pilots engaging in one-on-one air combat exercises and practicing close air combat against Eurofighter aircraft.

From May 9-27, 2024, the Czech Air Force 21st Tactical Air Force Base Čáslav hosted the multinational exercise “Lion Effort 2024” (LE24), training approximately 500 service personnel, including around 150 international participants.

This exercise, the fifth iteration of an air exercise for countries operating the JAS-39 Gripen aircraft within the Gripen Users Group (GUG), saw Hungarian Defense Forces’ JAS-39 Gripen aircraft training alongside Czech, Swedish, and Thai air forces. The Thai Air Force also had the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the two-seater aircraft.

In addition to the Gripen aircraft, German Eurofighters, Airbus A330 MRTT aircraft, and Polish F-16s participated in some of the exercises. The training also included electronic warfare exercises with various types of jamming organized by Draken International during the first week, combining the Ramstein Guard exercise with Lion Effort.

The pilots of the Hungarian Defense Forces’ 101st Airborne Brigade demonstrated their readiness and expertise during the exercise, receiving high praise from the other participating nations.

Overall, the participation in the Lion Effort exercise not only allowed Hungarian pilots to enhance their skills and operational capabilities but also contributed to strengthening cooperation and interoperability with NATO allies.


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