
President Erdoğan Affirms Bulgaria as Ally and Friend in Congress of Rights and Freedoms Address

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in a video message to the Congress of the Bulgarian Movement for Rights and Freedoms, expressed his gratitude for the invitation and emphasized the strong bond between Turkey and Bulgaria.

In his message, President Erdoğan highlighted the importance of Bulgaria as a reliable friend and ally to Turkey. He mentioned the upcoming Local Government Elections in Turkey and expressed his regret for not being able to physically attend the congress due to campaign commitments. However, he assured that his thoughts and prayers are with the attendees.

President Erdoğan also stressed the significance of strengthening the Turkey-Bulgaria relations, especially in the face of multi-dimensional challenges. He commended the Movement for Rights and Freedoms for its role in enhancing cooperation between the two countries and protecting the interests of Turkish compatriots in Bulgaria.

Furthermore, President Erdoğan expressed his confidence in the newly elected staff of the party and encouraged them to continue their work with unity and solidarity. He wished success to all those taking office and extended his greetings to all Turkish citizens in Bulgaria, members of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms, and Bulgarian friends.

In conclusion, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan thanked the congress organizers for the invitation and wished them a successful event. He emphasized the importance of maintaining the strong bond between Turkey and Bulgaria and urged for continued cooperation and friendship between the two nations.



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