
Restoration of Sivas Grand Mosque: A Historical Revival

The historic Ulu Cami (Grand Mosque) in Sivas is set to undergo a comprehensive restoration project, bringing new life to this iconic structure. Built in 1197 by Kutbüddin Melikşah, the son of Seljuk Sultan Kılıçarslan II, the mosque is one of the oldest in Anatolia and holds great significance in the region’s architectural history.

The minaret of Ulu Cami, with its distinctive slope of 117 centimeters, has caught the attention of many visitors over the years. Now, the Sivas Regional Directorate of Foundations has initiated a restoration project for the 827-year-old minaret, aiming to preserve its historical significance and structural integrity.

According to officials from the Regional Directorate of Foundations, a comprehensive restoration project has been completed for the mosque, focusing especially on the minaret. The project is now awaiting approval from the Cultural Heritage Preservation Board before work can begin.

The restoration project includes plans to drill down from the interior of the minaret to its floor and reinforce it with 8 steel connections. Once the minaret work is completed, additional restoration and conservation efforts will be undertaken on the main building of the mosque.

Ulu Mosque stands as a rare example of kufa-type mosques with a rectangular plan and a flat roof. It is considered a significant architectural landmark in Anatolia, reflecting the development of mosque interiors in the region’s history.

As work begins on the restoration project, the historic Ulu Cami is poised to regain its former glory and continue to stand as a symbol of the rich cultural heritage of Sivas.



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