
“Sinop Election 2023: When Will President and Deputy Vote Results be Announced?”

Sinop Election Results May 14, 2023: When and at What Time Will the Sinop President and Deputy Vote Rates be Announced?

The upcoming election on May 14, 2023, in Sinop, Turkey, is of great significance for all political parties and presidential candidates. Sinop is one of the cities with a large number of voters, and the election results will affect the general rates in the country.

There are several districts in Sinop that will play a crucial role in determining the election results. These districts include Sinop, Ayancik, Boyabat, Dikmen, Duragan, Erfelek, Gerze, Sarayduzu, and Turkeli.

The voting in the elections will end at 17:00, after which it will be forbidden to make news predictions and comments on the elections and their results in the media until 18:00, according to the “election bans” rules of the YSK published in the Official Gazette. From 18:00 to 21:00, news and communiqués given by the YSK regarding the election can be shared by the press organizations. After 21:00, all broadcasts will be free, and YSK might set this time earlier. The Sinop election results will be announced on Sunday, May 14, at the latest after 21:00.

The votes of parties and presidential candidates can be followed instantly on the CNN TÜRK Election 2023 page. The latest data and all other details related to the election will also be available on the CNN TÜRK live broadcast.

There are four parties competing for the 28th term deputy seats in Sinop. The AK Party, CHP, MHP, and Good Party candidates’ lists have two names each, while the Green Left Party has one candidate. You can find the names of the candidates below:

AK Party Sinop 28th Term Deputy List:

1. Nazim Mavis
2. Seyit Ali Cetin

MHP Sinop 28th Term Deputy List:

1. Ismail Buyukkayikci
2. Hasan Ataman

CHP Sinop 28th Term Deputy List:

1. Peace Black Sea
2. Sevket Terkan

Good Party Sinop 28th Term Deputy List:

1. Yilmaz Sanlan
2. Baki Tashkiran

Green Left Party Sinop 28th Term Deputy List:

1. Star Uzbek

The Sinop election results will be crucial for both presidential candidates and parties, and their victory will rely on the votes from these districts. Stay tuned for the latest updates and results related to the Sinop elections.



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