
Viktor Orbán Urges Hungarians to Choose Their Own Living Partners

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán appeared on Kossuth Radio’s “Good Morning, Hungary!” program on Friday morning to provide an update on the latest government decisions, evaluate the European Parliament and local elections, and discuss the European Court of Justice ruling against Hungary, as reported by Hungarian Nation.

During the program, Orbán expressed his concerns about the influence of George Soros in Brussels, alleging that the billionaire has a plan to bring a million migrants into Europe each year in order to create a mixed continent. He emphasized Hungary’s stance on the issue by stating, “our country has a dispute with Brussels and Hungary insists that Hungarians should decide who they want to live with.”

Regarding the EU’s threat to withhold funds from Hungary as a form of punishment, Orbán assured that Hungary will have a response to this action. He stressed the importance of politicians speaking honestly and clearly to the Hungarian people, contrasting this with the communication style in Brussels, which he referred to as “thieves’ cant.”

In his discussions with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Orbán highlighted a positive agreement reached, noting Hungary’s significant contribution to NATO and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. He emphasized the importance of NATO’s involvement in training Ukrainian soldiers and Hungary’s decision to stay out of the conflict.

Following the recent elections, Orbán shared his views on the failures of certain European governments and expressed optimism about the potential for peace if European leaders prioritize this goal. He suggested that Trump’s potential re-election as U.S. president could contribute to achieving peace in the long term.

Orbán also commented on his meeting with Donald Trump Jr., highlighting the differences in perspectives between the U.S. and Hungary on the conflict in Ukraine. Despite these differences, he indicated that both viewpoints ultimately aim for a ceasefire.

As the conversation unfolded, Orbán conveyed his belief that Hungary serves as a stronghold for Europe and a beacon of hope amid political uncertainties. The prime minister reiterated the importance of defending Hungary’s values and identity in a culturally diverse and potentially hostile environment.

Overall, Orbán’s radio appearance shed light on Hungary’s current political stance, the challenges faced in the European arena, and the country’s commitment to upholding its principles in the face of external pressures.


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